How are Humans using Pheromones?

05/22/2018 18:22

When animal emits pheromones it detects its though it’s nose. The sensory neurons that are located in VNO which is a sub-region of the nose. You can recognize that sell based on your experience. That tells us a behavior correlation. All animals have the VNO because it detects special odors that have intrinsic value. Humans have lost their VNO so their smell is not as specialized. Learn more at

How are humans using pheromones?

The types of behaviors in humans that are dependent on pheromones over the social structure of terrestrial vertebrates. An animal doesn’t learn to avoid the responsibility to the behaviors. Once an animal smells the cue his behavior is modified.

He smells the cue and he performs the behavior depending on the pheromone stimulus. In some respects, the human social system is more complex. We have an expanded cortex that makes our pheromone response to different than other species. Ivy’s an evolutionary advantage to have independence from these chemical cues.

Why do we have this range of smells across the animal kingdom?

Pheromones have evolved in a way that’s inevitable due to the way we evolved our olfactory system. Smells are everything. With an extraordinary sense of smell, we can follow people and detect miniscule odors.

So, what are pheromones?

It was coined by two Germans in 1959 and has been quoted hundreds of times since then. Phero means to transmit and mones mean to excite. They transmit chemical signals across the air and through the water to animals of the same species. You will find that there tons of pheromone companies trying to sell you cheap pheromone colognes. They are a popular concept but the science is still be understood. Apart from giving self-confidence, there are is nothing magical. Learn more at

What are animals saying with pheromones?

It’s hard to say. The female signals she is ready for a male for fertilization and there are lots of communication signals in honeybees and ants. If they are attacked they sent out a signal that they need help. There are lots of things pheromones do that have to do with odor signatures and identities.

It’s been 50 years since the first pheromones have been identified. Nobody has been able to identify a chemical that has been the signal. The first one was discovered in a silk moth by a German chemist. It took a half million sick moths to identify the first pheromone found in the fatty acid. It was hugely influential.

We had a chemical that you could show illicit this response. Chemists thought each species would have it sown unique smell and that it would be small and volatile. The assumption has mammals had more complex molecules. They thought pheromones would be something long-distance. They also thought it would be mostly sex behavior. When it was discovered, moths and elephants do the same thing and nobody was expecting it. Thanks for reading and I hope you've learned a bit about pheromones.
